An Update for the Week of 2/14/2022 A.D.

I continue to upgrade aspects of the AIC Web Site. I’m still looking for those little “glitches” that can frustrate visitors to the site. If you should find others on the site, please email me at with the details. Here, as noted in earlier Blog postings, the objective is to have the site as easy to use as possible and as free as I can make it of technical jargon. To use the site, go to the appropriate page and click a link to see a video, listen to or download a podcast, or purchase a book from the Bookstore (using my Amazon Author Central page).

Some visitors are not interested in the fine points of running a web site, but for those who want to know, here’s just a few of the changes that have been made during the week beginning with St. Valentine’s Day:

  • An outdated message concerning our change of video site hosts to has been removed from the Bible Study page. As far as I can tell, every video series on the Digital Library or Bible Study pages is linked to the most recent version.
  • Inaccurate or incomplete links to the Podcast version of AIC Seasonal Videos have been replaced with links to the most recent versions (2018, 2021 or 2022 A.D.). If you’ve visited the Digital Library recently, you’ll want to know that links to Podcast versions of Christmas 1 and Christmas 2, Epiphany 3, “Gesima” 1 & 2, Lent 1, 2 & 3, Easter 1, 2 & 3, and Trinity 1 through Trinity 9 were replaced with 2021-2022 versions. Further, all twelve episoides of The Twelve Days of Christmas, which had been updated in December 2021 A.D., have been given a facelift, with adjustments to the voice track and all slides conformed to the most recent standard size and style. For that series, I have (I hope) also resolved the problem of the music track being louder than the voice track.
  • The appearance of the lower half of the HOME page (linked from the tabs at the top and bottom of each page) has been modified so that all titles and subtitles should now show up in white against the background image (a fresco of saints, St. Tikon Monastery, Russia). The reason for the difficulties is highly-technical but, I hope, has been resolved. The same is true for the revised “Learn Your Way” material that you see when scrolling down from the top portion of the HOME page. There should be white type against the saints images mentioned above, plus an image of the Home page with the WATCH/LISTEN/READ graphic.
  • The WELCOME page includes links to study materials relevent to the current season on the Anglican Church Calendar. The entries currently available are to the episodes of the Seasonal Video series for “Gesima” season. I expect to add an internal link to the Podcast Homilies page so that viewers can easily reach the Podcast Homily for all three Sundays in the season.
  • In last week’s Blog posting concerning the AIC Bookstore I noted that all but one book has been updated to the 2022 A.D. edition. As of yesterday (2/14/2022 A.D.), all 17 books have now been updated to the new versions. Please note that not all books are available in both paperback and Kindle editions. The five newest books, including the four Gospels and The Acts of the Apostles will not be converted into Kindle editions. These five books were prepared with the objective of making high-resolution versions of Christian art from the 5th to the 21st C. available to the public at reasonable cost both to the AIC and to the reader. At the present time, only the print edition satisfies that standard.
  • Finally, I continue working on development of plans for the future of the site. These involve legal, accounting and technical issues that still must be resolved.

Published by

Anglican Internet Church

Fr. Shibley is a retired Anglican clergyman who produces unique videos, podcasts and books explaining traditional Christian theology from an Anglican perspective. All materials are in layman's language with a minimum of technical or theological terms. All are available either free or at reasonable cost. The AIC Bookstore now includes 17 publications.

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